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Types of Assessments

  Assessment Types Formal Assessments - generally just need to be checked to get a basic read on how a student is performing in class and if she / he is understanding the material. (Example: Entry / Exit tickets , quiz, end of unit test) Informal Assessments - Quizzes: A quick-fire method of evaluating what students know about a subject. Projects: A creative task that requires students to use their knowledge from the classroom and engagement with the real world in answering complex questions. Portfolio: As learning progresses, the instructor may require students to build up a portfolio. Observation Oral Presentation Spot quiz: During a lecture, the professor asks questions about key concepts to make sure students are listening. Exit slips: At the end of a unit, the teacher distributes exit slips so students can write down their thoughts on the unit or identify three things they learned. Alternative Assessments

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