Teacher Planner

I am building my Teacher Planner for this upcoming school year. I like to personalize it to fit me and my quirky ways. It also has more then 40 pages to print and choose from.

I copy of my most used pages is available on TPT, click "here". You can edit the pages as you see fit.

    I like to be able to personalize my things. When it comes to organizing, and planning I like to have more detail. I have some teacher friends who buy grading books every year and spend tons of money on them. I looked at a few and yes, they were cute and colorful, some of them even came with stickers. I looked at it and told myself I can make this myself for less and it will look the way I want it to. I like the idea of being able to add and remove pages whenever I feel like it.
I bought a Pro-Click that punches holes in papers and some spines to go with it. I love that thing. I didn’t want to buy an electrical one because my office is already small and I’m trying to keep things simple. This Pro-Click works great for me. I use it for crafts, cookbooks, memory books, and more.

I do however still buy my teacher planning calendar every year from Blue Sky. I like the Blue-Sky planners best because when you are done with them at the end of the year you can use the covers with the Pro-Click. They fit perfectly together. I also created a family cookbook using Pro-click. 

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 Pinterest is full of ideas on building your planners, click the picture below for more links.
Teachers Pay Teachers also has some free resouces such as printable calendars for your teacher planner.

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