T-TESS goal setting

Almost T-tess time again! Are you looking for some goal setting ideas? Check out the links below;

Self Assessment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4QMZcIwspo


Smart Goals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mi9_XEXQqc

Awesome goal setting worksheets for students „here“.

End of year reflection:

Professional Demeanor and Ethics Dimension 4.1

·       I met the district expectation for attendance and was present every day possible.

·       I met the district expectations for professional dress, appearance, decorum and ethics as stated in our district’s teacher handbook.

·       I have met the district expectations for my legal and statutory responsibilities as I worked diligently to ensure that all SPED, and 504 receive their mandated accommodations as listed in their IEP or 504 service plans. I also collaborated with my colleagues to address student needs as concerns arise throughout the school year to make changes or adjustments to a student’s IEP or service plan as needed.

·       I have upheld FERPA requirements as all confident student information has been kept private and only shared with other educators and professionals who have an educational interest in that child.

Goal Setting Dimension 4.2

·        I often reflect on my teaching practices and collaborate with my grade level team, expert teachers from other grade levels and our instructional coach to assess how I can improve my classroom instruction and student performance.

·       I have also read personal and professional texts such as “Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids” 2nd edition by Chris Briffle and “Fast Track” by Chris Biffle to help me continue to grow as a teacher and campus leader.

Professional Development Dimension 4.3

·        I enhanced the professional community by collaborating with my math team to plan rigorous and engaging lessons for all students.


School Community Involvement Dimension 4.4

·        I served as a mentor to _________. We met and discussed upcoming events, math, and classroom behavior.







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