What Is Differentiation?

  We differentiate because all students are different. One size does not fit all, we all learn differently, we like different things therefore, different things motivate us. Differentiation provides all students with access to the full curriculum. I have always been a fan of Howard Gardner's theory of intelligences. I think everyone is intelligent in different ways.

  Differentiation is how teacher's respond to student's needs, students learning styles and recognizing students' various backgrounds. We have all walked a different path/ walk in life and not everyone learns everything at the same time. Teachers also learn students likes and dislikes. What are your students' interests? (Start the school year with a student survey "Get to know me page")

  Before teachers teach new materials, it is good to know what students may already know. Ways to figure out what students already know is looking at work samples, observation or informal assessment. Sometimes a pre-test would also be suitable. (Pre-assessments eliminate wasted time, activate understanding, and points out what the student needs to learn).

Differentiation Strategies can be implemented by changing the classroom environment by playing music, lighting or seating. Create independent learning opportunities, choice boards, tiered activities, learning contracts, compacting opportunities, interest centers, ability grouping and flexible grouping (short term group).

Differentiation Across Subject Areas




·       Leveled Texts

·       Guided Reading Groups

·       Word Study Groups

·       Daily 5 Tasks

·       Book Clubs

·       Reader’s Theatre

·       Wordless Books

·       Books on CD

·       Buddy Reading

·       Sketch notes

·       Writer’s Workshop

·       Conferring

·       Sentence Starters

·       Paragraph Frames

·       Graphic Organizer

·       Modeling / Visual Aids

·       Free Choice

·       Oral / Dictation

·       Manipulatives / Tools

·       Word Bank



Science / Social Studies

·       Guided Math / Small Group

·       Manipulatives

·       Number Chart / Lines

·       Various Strategies to solve problems

·       Songs

·       Games

·       Strategic Math Stations


·       Leveled Texts

·       Copy of Notes

·       Hands on activities

·       Visuals

·       Oral-based assessment

·       Journaling Options




Monthly Themes

Teaching GT


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