Digraph qu and wh

Learning Target: I can decode digraph “qu and wh” words in and out of context.


2. quack
3. square
4. quote
5. quail
6. quantity
7. quarrel
8. quart
9. quarter
10. queen
11. question
12. quick
13. quiet
14. sequel
15. sequin

High frequency “red” words are spelled in unexpected ways.
end & behind

Day #1:
Instructional Input: What do you notice about the words?
Guided Practice: Review digraphs and add them to the Word Work journal.
Independent Practice: Practice Words in stations and as homework.

Boggle letters for this week:
Secret word- “literature”

Day #2:
Instructional Input: What do you notice about the words?
Guided Practice: Digraph sort qu and wh.
Independent Practice: Practice Words in stations and as homework.

Day #3:
Instructional Input: Digraph word wheel
Guided Practice: Read digraph words for fluency
Independent Practice: Practice Words in stations and as homework.

Day #4: 
Instructional Input: What do you notice about the words?
Guided Practice: Digraph sort qu and wh.
Independent Practice: Practice Words in stations and as homework.

Day #5:
Instructional Input: What do you notice about the words?
Guided Practice: Word sort qu.
Independent Practice: Spelling Test

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