Science & Social Studies themes for November


Science & Social Studies themes For November

Social Studies: 

Patriotism week 12 / Thanksgiving week


2.7 TEKS - Unit 4! Investigating earth material / earth / water

Possible introductions:

Challenge questions “Do you know what substance you are mostly made of?”

SCIENCE CHAT This lesson covers important properties of water: cohesion, surface tension, and absorption/desorption. It is helpful to begin by discussing what a “property” is. Children at this age might not know what it means but by relating it to themselves, they can quickly understand its definition. Discuss some of the properties of the children in the room (permanent characteristics they possess such as curly hair, brown eyes, round face, long eyelashes, etc.). Then point out that water, too, has properties LP_WaterProperties_aug16.pdf (

Discuss reasons why water is important.

Lesson on water

The Ripple Effect: A Study of Water | TPSP (

This would be a great unit for me to teach this year due to tying in both Social Studies and Science (Cross-curricular)

Lesson Goal: Students will meet these goals in their explorations:

·       Develop the essential skills of logical thinking, creative problem solving, intellectual risk taking, and communicating

·       Make connections across disciplines

·       Draw conclusions

·       Ask questions and explore theories

·       Have opportunities to generate new ideas

·       Become familiar with water conservation

·       Understand the sources of water pollution


1.      Phase I:

KWL CHART on water

2.      Phase II:

Independent Research – Have students track water usage or quality in their families. Using a daily tracking chart.

3.      Presentation

Student presents findings



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