Modifications in Special Education




  First let us talk about accommodation and modifications. Some people struggle with deciphering one from the other. The two words sound similar, but they mean different things.



Changes through strategy how a student learns the material. It removes barriers in the classroom to provide every child equal access to learning.

Changes through strategy what a student is taught or expected to learn.



Curriculum learning expectations and outcomes are the same.

Tested on a different set of words than his / her peers.

Occurs in the general education classroom.

Curriculum learning expectations and outcomes are different.

Grading is the same

Grading is different and appropriate to the student’s specific developmental level and learning needs.

Sentence starters

Grade what work was completed not what work was expected/ entire task. Grade assignments on percentage correct of the total complete / attempted, rather than the total questions / problems on assignment.

Shortened assignments

Less questions or doing just the even / odd questions – adding all multiple-choice options.


Students might be graded on note taking but some students have fill in the blank notes, and some are given the teachers copy – to copy later.


  Accommodations & Modifications can help paint a picture of how the student is performing within the grade level curriculum. You cannot modify the curriculum unless the student qualifies for alternative testing. Questions can be reduced if you don’t eliminate all the content / standards being taught. A student who receives modified curriculum most likely ends up on an alternative diploma path further in their school career.

  If student has accommodations or modifications in his/her IEP meeting, then everyone should follow then everyone should follow then unless otherwise noted. Ex. If a student has shortened assignments, then teachers cannot hold student accountable for all the assignment. Student can do fewer and still show understanding. But remember there is a difference between accommodation and modifications. If student has modified assignments for ELAR and needs lower grade level passages, then that also can be done in a general education setting. It all depends on the students IEP. The teacher of record is the grade giver, so if a sped student is in inclusion setting then teacher gives grade but is also responsible for making sure student has their accommodations or modifications done. IEP updates are done via sped educator.

  Standard based grading identifies if they are meeting a standard, so it the child can demonstrate the can meet the standard, then they should be able to do that. You can’t modify the standard.

  I do feel like there is a gap that accommodations alone don’t fill for “slower learner profile”.


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